Visit to Johnson Matthey

On Tuesday 2nd October the Engineering Club organised a visit for 11 Sixth Form students to the Johnson Matthey plant in Clitheroe.  The site and company have a rich background in many forms of engineering and the Clitheroe site is focused on the production of industrial catalysts.

On arrival we were given an overview of the company which operates in 30 countries and dominates most of the engineering markets in which it invests.  We were then given a tour of the plant and were guided through its processes.  As well as manufacturing, the site runs numerous tests to ensure it is environmentally friendly and performs research into future products including car battery technology.

The visit was incredibly interesting and provided insight into the possible careers offered within Johnson Matthey and in the world of engineering.

I would like to thank Johnson Matthey for our enjoyable and informative trip.


Ben Redfearn
Year 12

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