Year 7/8 Easter Egg Hunt

On Red Nose Day, Friday 24th March, a special Easter egg hunt run was organised by Mr Mumford and Mr Priory at lunchtime. They were helped by a number of Sixth Form volunteers and Mr Hutchinson. A group of Year 7 and 8 students took part.

Jonathan Wood in Year 7 reports:

We ran from the school up to Salthill Quarry nature reserve and began our search in a large clearing on a small hill. The Sixth Formers had hidden between forty and fifty eggs for us to find. We all ran in different directions, driven by our longing for chocolate. All the eggs were found and most of them were eaten within forty minutes. It was a great way to spend lunchtime on a non-uniform day. We wish to give particular thanks to the sixth formers who gave up their lunchtime to set the trail.

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